Unleash the untapped potential of your products with Panyue’s advanced roller bottle technology, 브랜드를 새로운 차원으로 끌어올릴 수 있는 혁신과 기능성의 완벽한 조합을 선보입니다..
Panyue specializes in tailor-made solutions for your unique roller bottle packaging needs.
From personal care to daily necessities, Panyue’s dropper bottle design can meet the needs of various products.
Take advantage of our wide selection to customize your roller bottle product to drive your brand forward.
Pan Yue’s Roller Bottle is available in a variety of sizes and shapes to meet different needs and usage scenarios. Common capacities are 5ml, 10밀리리터, 15ml and 30ml, suitable for essential oils, perfumes and other products. The shape design is diverse, including classic cylindrical, stylish square and portable flat, comfortable to hold, easy to carry and use
Roller Bottle Caps and other accessories are designed to enhance the experience and versatility of our products. Made of high-quality stainless steel or ceramic, Roller Bottle Caps roll smoothly to evenly apply essential oils or perfumes without leaking. Accessories include sealing plugs, leak-proof gaskets and small funnels to ensure safe storage and convenient filling of liquids
Work with us to enhance the product grade and brand image of the Roller Bottle packaging design, providing users with a high-end and convenient experience.
Learn more about what makes the Panyue roller bottle unique and the epitome of precision and versatility.
The special roller ball design ensures that liquid cosmetics can be applied evenly and accurately on the skin, allowing users to easily control the amount of use to avoid waste and uneven application.
The bottle shape, capacity size and material can be customized according to customer needs to adapt to different cosmetic types and brand images, and enhance the product’s visual appeal and market competitiveness.
The roller ball bottle made of recyclable materials is in line with the environmental protection trend and demonstrates the manufacturer’s commitment and responsibility to environmental sustainability.
소싱 요청 제출
요청 양식을 작성하거나 전화하세요 +(86)15728785419 귀하가 시작하는 데 도움이 되는 모든 정보를 제공하기 위해.
Our team of knowledgeable reps will connect with you to discuss your project requirements, 목표, 그리고 비전.
고품질 생산
안심하세요, 귀하의 맞춤형 제품은 최고의 정밀도와 세부 사항에 대한 관심으로 제조됩니다..
주문 승인
검토를 위해 사전 제작 샘플을 받게 됩니다.. 승인되면, 우리 팀이 주문을 진행하겠습니다.
적시 납품
그러면 주문하신 제품이 생산되어 배송됩니다.. Your products will be ready within agreed-upon timelines so that you can launch confidently.
증언은 많은 의미를 갖는다!
가장 중요한 사람들, 즉 고객의 실제 경험을 알아보세요.. 우리의 말만 받아들이지 마세요; 맞춤형 화장품 포장 이야기를 통해 우리가 제공하는 품질과 만족도에 대해 직접 이야기해 보세요..
귀하의 필요 사항을 알려주십시오.. 최대한 빨리 답변해드리겠습니다. 12 시간.
평범함에 안주하지 마세요. Panyue를 선택하고 차이를 경험해보세요.